I created this app concept after conducting research on quarantines affect on college students social media use. Through analyzing students responses I discovered the direct correlation between quarantine and an influx of social media use among college freshmen. A majority of respondents claimed this development was a negative addition to quarantine and made their experience worse by wasting time and causing additional stress. My solution was to develop a social media app that encouraged time offline. App users create a profile and have the option to follow other profiles. When the user is ready to spend some time off line, the app would include the off-line icon for the purpose of deactivating from social media. Once the icon is activated by the user, they will be prompted for their reason for why they are going off-line. If the user chooses to answer, their response is posted to their profile and their followers home page. Followers can like, comment, and share responses in a feed format similar to that of Twitter’s interface. The user’s home page would feature a list of the top ten offline accounts to create a healthy sense of competition that incentivizes users to stay offline. In addition a user can post long form blogs where they can write reflections about their experiences offline with a higher word count, 300-500 characters. The posts would help build a story of offline adventures, inspiring others to participate. Over time, with active participation, user’s can attain an offline presence that furthers their personal development, igniting their passions and animating their lives.